
Toolkit Series: N.2 – Academic Bridge

Are you ready to forge connections between academia and municipalities for transformative local development? Welcome to the Academic Bridge’s Matchmaking Map – an innovative tool designed to strengthen collaboration across the European Union!

🔍 Explore Opportunities: Dive into the digital platform where municipalities showcase their unique interests, spanning environmental sustainability, urban planning, social development, and beyond.

🤝 Connect and Collaborate: Municipalities seeking academic knowledge and expertise can submit their applications, detailing collaboration interests and contact information. It’s your chance to engage in collaborative problem-solving and capacity-building with renowned experts.

🌍 Expand Your Reach: Academic Bridge has already made waves in Czech municipalities and is going to extend its reach across the European Union. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your visibility and drive local development through academic insights.

Ready to bridge the gap between academia and local governance? Join us on the Academic Bridge platform and unlock the potential for impactful collaboration!



