
BETTER Life in Italian TV and Other Media

BETTER Life recently gained significant attention when it was featured in the renowned Italian VeraTV and other printed and electronic media after the project consortium of nine partners from eight countries came to the city of Ascoli Piceno for the annual meeting.

Prof. Massimo Sargolini from the University of Camerino, prof. Michal Lostak from the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, along with several other notable respondents, provided interviews to Vera News TV and other esteemed media outlets. Their insightful discussions shed light on the profound significance of socially engaged research and emphasized the indispensable role of the local community in shaping the project’s trajectory.

BETTER Life’s appearance in the Italian media was not only a testament to its commendable efforts but also served as a clarion call for other organizations and communities to prioritize socially engaged research. It demonstrated the transformative power of collective action and showcased the potential for positive change when research transcends academia and genuinely addresses the needs and aspirations of the local population.

By fostering collaboration, empowering individuals, and prioritizing socially engaged research, BETTER Life serves as a testament to the boundless possibilities that emerge when academia and communities join forces in pursuit of a “better life”.

Vera TV: Ascoli Piceno – Unicam presenta “Better Life”: urbanistica e biodiversità – VeraTV

VideoUnicam: Progetto BETTER Life – YouTube

Corriere Adriatico: Viabilità, biodiversità e sociale. UniCam riscrive gli spazi urbani di Ascoli insieme ad altri atenei di tutta Europa (



